Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Spring is in the Air...well at least I hope it is!

This winter has been brutal. In CT there have been times where we have had over 50 inches of snow on the ground.  The trails have been covered in snow and ice and the roads have been drastically narrowed due to plowing.  Its been tough to run.  I won't lie  My resolve has been tested by the storms, the cold and the lack of locations to run in.  However, I can see now that spring is around the corner.  And although the snow isn't quite gone, its on its way out.  And so I'm left thinking of all of the things I'd like to do this summer.

First and foremost, I can wait to get out running with my new doggie, Roxy.  I need to work with her to train her to a waist leash but it will be wonderful to have someone with me in the car on the way to the park in the morning and someone who is happy to head out on the trails.

Secondly, I can't wait to hike.  I know you can hike in the winter, but  with the injury I sustained this past fall I was over cautious this winter and was unable to use snow shoes.  So I can't wait to climb for hours and then sit on the peak and eat a soggy peanut butter and jelly sandwich.

Finally, I can't wait for longer days.  I love getting outside and being outside in the spring and summer.  Even if I'm doing nothing at all, I love the sounds and scents of nature and I can't wait to put in some hard core working hours from my deck instead of my desk.

For those of you in climates that don't change, its hard to understand how freeing the changing of the seasons is and how much they mean mentally.  However, for those of us in New England is a way of life and every year, once the winter has passed we feel like we've gotten through something together, earned a merit badge and have earned the warm, sunny, summer days that lie ahead of us.

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