Sunday, March 6, 2011

Why Not?

Well I have a four mile race this weekend and since I've been sick and
traveling non stop for the past two weeks I haven't done a run even close to
that amount.  So, I'm going to do for it, however, there may be walking

I've been fighting what I thought was the flu and then turned into a
bronchial cold.  The air travel and hotel stays haven't been helping with
the cure.  And I will admit I've been sneaking out for some short runs.

While I was away someone asked me why I run and I had so many answers for
them, I think it was more than they bargained for.  However, the second
question I usually get after telling people I run is "Do you run marathons?"
And then I tell them no, I'm a happy girl with my 3-5 mile races, at least
for now.  I tell them that I race for fun.  I'm not fast.  They can't seem
to get their head around this last fact.

Why would someone do something if they didn't have a chance of winning?
This made me step back for a second and realize that running in one of the
very few things in my life that is strictly for fun.  I run my own company
and even events that are relatively fun in nature, such as networking
events, serve a purpose.

I spend a lot of time working through all of these details of everything I
do, what I wear, the emails I type and even the books I read.  However, when
I run I do so just to run.  Just to enjoy myself and just to have a good
time.  I wear my tutu or something else fun to remind myself not to take it
too seriously.  I love the silliness of showing up to a race in pigtails.  I
am so serious throughout the rest of my life, its such a transition.
Normally if you showed up for an event in a tutu people would look at you
like you are mentally insane.  At a race, people tell you they love it and
smile at you.  Maybe all runners are a bit crazy, but its the one part of my
life where I can go a bit crazy and still be ok.

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