Thursday, July 26, 2012

For The Love of It

For a while now I've been on a training schedule.  Everyone I know who works out or runs has a training schedule and we all talk about our "long days" and "tempo runs".  However, recently I've been  quite busy and had a lot going on.  So, I haven't had a lot of time to do my "regularly scheduled" runs.  However, I've been running for another reason; for the love of it.

I've remembered just why I run.  I love it.  I love going out, getting sweaty and challenging myself.  I can "find myself" out on the roads, on the trails and in my run.  I love spending the time without checking my phone.  I love spending the time to listening to my new music selections and I love just running, regardless of how fast or slow I'm going for a few miles.

So while I haven't had the chance to break any new speed records or gone any new long distances, I've been able to use my runs to calm myself down, think things through and just enjoy the scenery.  I anticipate getting back into my training routine very soon.  However, I'm grateful for the distraction. I was able to remember just why I love running!

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